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Just as we must be careful speculating beyond proven theories involving theSpeed of Light, we must be careful postulating other dimensions. Although inter-dimensional travel has been a staple of science fiction for decades, is there anyobjective evidence that other dimensions may exist? The answer is a speculativeand qualified “Yes, but” meaning it may not be as straightforward as we wouldlike.
String Theory. Does it prove dimensions?
String Theory may suggest an answer. It is on the cutting edge of physicsresearch today. It and the related M-Theory are not completely acceptedbecause of a lack of experimental data. Basically, the theorized ‘strings’ are tootiny to see, even with modern super-colliders capable of measuring elementaryparticles. The mathematics of String Theory, however, has enabled areconciliation between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity, two theories that haveheretofore been in direct opposition to each other. Even though we cannot proveit, the math works.One of the characteristics of the mathematics involved in String Theory is that itinvolves ten or eleven dimensions. Some people have jumped on this idea asproving other dimensions exist. However, as is sometimes rather stridentlypointed out, the dimensions of String Theory cannot be used to bolster the IDETheory because they are extremely tiny. To suggest that String Theory provesthe ITH is to invite scorn and derision from the physics community.Ironically, this may be a definitional dispute. A further idea of String Theory is thatthe Universe is of a convoluted shape that contains more than one “membrane.”One membrane may be close to another, but beyond the realm of perception.Indeed, this idea has been used to speculate on an alternative Big Bang theory,suggesting that a collision between two membranes resulted in the Big Bang(Greene, 1999, 329-331). From a three or four dimensional standpoint, thesemembranes effectively constitute other Universes next to ours which we cannotperceive. In other words, a membrane could be seen as what we havehistorically called another dimension.
Enter the Space Brothers
Like it or not the field of Ufology includes a contingent of people who treat UFOsin a religious manner. First of all, this contingent does not pay attention to thescience of the matter. Secondly, many base their beliefs on what they consider tobe personal experience. This is a New Age belief structure often incorporatingGod, the paranormal, earth changes, and the “all you need is love” idea wherethe aliens are here to save us from our fate or at least show us the way tosalvation. They frequently talk of other dimensions, reincarnation, prophecy, andlife after death. Many belong to cults, (or did, as in the case of Heaven’s Gate.)
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